How to fill out a timesheet
Each company, according to its needs, will have to create and customize its own timesheet, the size and number of entries of which vary precisely according to the number of variables. Accuracy in the description of the activity is important, but be careful not to overburden the compiler, making compilation a nuisance and a hindrance to his productivity.
Each timesheet absolutely must contain some basic items, the information on:
- Date and time of compilation
- Type of activity performed (with all necessary annotations)
- Data of the performer
- Client recipient of the work Starting from this base, we can then supplement our timesheet with data of this type: - Client: job order, priority of the work performed, date of assignment and on its deadline.
- Internal organization: The progress of the file, involvement with other parties, the reference of the person in charge of the person in charge - Activity performed: description of the steps that make up the work, in order to analyze the activity performed.