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what is timesheet

Time is money, and anyone who leads a company, whether large or small, is fully aware of the economic importance of time.

But are companies really able to assess the actual adherence to the budget forecast as work progresses?

Are they aware of how to calculate the time required by each individual activity in the production process?

A single project involves a certain number of people, for a given number of hours: having a precise idea of this allows the productivity of each resource, and thus the company's productivity, to be measured accurately.

This facilitates the calculation of the budget to be presented to the client, and makes it possible to see immediately whether the budgeted profit has been achieved.

Professional success is determined by the implementation of 3 important concepts: planning, optimization, and cost management.

This painstaking control can be done through a fundamental tool: the timesheet. TYMEX is the perfect tool for simplified timesheet compilation


Find out how Tymex works

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